You should determine what is taking a long time. You can query the reportserver database to find out how much time the report is spending running the query and how much time is spent rendering. To optimize the query time, you need to analyze the query and optimize it as you would any other SQL Query. Many times the main reason a report will render slowly is because you are doing lots of aggregations inside of the report instead of pushing the aggregations down to the database in your query.
This query will show you the details for a specific report:
select CAST(convert(varchar(40),timestart,101) as datetime) dt, avg(DATEDIFF(second,timestart,timeend)) run_time_seconds, AVG( case TimeDataRetrieval when -1 then null else TimeDataRetrieval end ) / 1000 data_retrieval_seconds, AVG( case TimeProcessing when -1 then null else TimeProcessing end ) / 1000 processing_seconds, AVG( case TimeRendering when -1 then null else TimeRendering end ) / 1000 rendering_seconds, COUNT(*) num_runs from ExecutionLog2 where timestart > getdate()-30 and Reportpath=@path group by CAST(convert(varchar(40),timestart,101) as datetime)