The first thing we have to do is to make a connection to our server.
Now you might be thinking "Hey, there is already a class existing to connect to a SQL Server - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection", and you are all right - you can use this class to build your connection to the Sql Server.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server server;
/// Initializes the field 'server'
void InitializeServer()
// To Connect to our SQL Server -
// we Can use the Connection from the System.Data.SqlClient Namespace.
SqlConnection sqlConnection =
new SqlConnection(@"Integrated Security=SSPI; Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS");
//build a "serverConnection" with the information of the "sqlConnection"
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection serverConnection =
new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection(sqlConnection);
//The "serverConnection is used in the ctor of the Server.
server = new Server(serverConnection);
Object Hierarchy
Once you have got a connection to your server - accessing databases is very simple. Most of the SMO Objects are stored in a Parent/Child Collection ownership.
A Server has got a collection of Databases (The Databases Parent is the Server),
A Database has got a collection of Tables,
A Table has got a collection of Columns.....
//this Code adds a all known Databases to a Listview
//clean up the listview first.
//building the Coloumns
listView1.Columns.Add("# of Tables");
//iterate over all Databases
foreach( Database db in server.Databases )
//add the Data to the listview.
ListViewItem item = listView1.Items.Add(db.Name);
item.SubItems.Add( db.Tables.Count.ToString() );
This Code shows how to enlisting Backup Devices
foreach (BackupDevice backupDevice in server.BackupDevices)
ListViewItem item = listView1.Items.Add(backupDevice.Name);
Create a new Database
Of course - we are not limited to getting information about our SQL Server - we can also create, drop and alter objects. Most SMO objects have 2 requirements - a valid (unique) Name and a valid Parent.
database.Name = dbName.Text;
database.Parent = server;
You see - SMO uses really compact code :-) Now - lets Create a Backup Device.
backupDevice.Parent = Server;
backupDevice.Name = "myBackupDevice";
backupDevice.PhysicalLocation = @"C:\myNewBackupDevice.bak";
backupDevice.BackupDeviceType = BackupDeviceType.Disk;
Scripting with T-SQL!
In some cases you might want to have a T-SQL Script of a operation. Let's take the example from above - we want a script for adding a Backup Device to our SQL Server.
backupDevice.Parent = Server;
backupDevice.Name = "myBackupDevice";
backupDevice.PhysicalLocation = @"C:\myNewBackupDevice.bak";
backupDevice.BackupDeviceType = BackupDeviceType.Disk;
StringCollection strings = backupDevice.Script();
// strings [0] = "EXEC master.dbo.sp_addumpdevice @devtype = N'disk',
// @logicalname = N'myBackupDevice', @physicalname = N'C:\myNewBackupDevice.bak'"
Doing a Backup
Finally, i want to show you how to do a Backup of your Database. Note that the class Backup doesn't represent a BackupDevice - it represents a "Backup Operation".
Backup backup = new Backup();
//we asume that there is a Logical Device with the Name "myBackupDevice"
backup.Devices.AddDevice("myBackupDevice", DeviceType.LogicalDevice);
backup.Database = "Master";
Additional Features
The functional range of SMO is amazing!
SMO supports really everything you will need.
Stored Procedures,
Full Text Catalogues,
HTTP Protocol,
Asymmetric Encryption,
In short:
Everything you desire :)
And if you understand the basics of a specific feature, you won't have problems to implement it with SMO.
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