Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Full-Text Search Engine

Following is the content table:
 Create table content 

 Pagename varchar(20) not null primary key,
 URL varchar(30) not null,
 Description  text null,
 Keywords  varchar(4000) null
Insert the following values.
                              INSERT content values ("home.asp","home.asp","This is the home page","home,SQL")                              GO                              INSERT content values ("pagetwo.asp","/page2/pagetwo.asp","NT Magazine is great","second")                              GO                              INSERT content values ("pagethree.asp","/page3/pagethree.asp","SQL Magazine is the greatest","third")                              GO 
The table will look like this:
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
home.asp /home.asp This is the home page home, SQL
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
Next, review the full-text enabling procedures, enable all columns for full-text searching, and populate the index.
Let's practice querying this table using some keyword searches. Open SQL Server 7.0's Query Analyzer, and try some of the following queries.

Query 1 (FREETEXT)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE freetext(*,"home") 
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
home.asp /home.asp This is the home page home, SQL
This queries all full-text-enabled columns in the content table for the string "home."

Query 2 (FREETEXT)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE freetext(description,"Magazine")
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
This only searches the Description column and returns all matches for the string "Magazine."

Query 3 (FREETEXT)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE freetext(description,"SQL Mag")
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
Although this appears to search on the string "SQL Mag," it actually searches on "SQL" or "Mag."

Query 4 (FREETEXT)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE freetext(description,"the")
                              Server: Msg 7619, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The query contains only ignored words; we've queried a noise word here. You'll find "the" in the noise words file at \MSSQL7\FTDATA\SQLSERVER\CONFIG.

Query 5 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE contains(*,"home")
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
home.asp /home.asp This is the home page home, SQL
Like the Freetext query, this searches all full-text-enabled columns for the keyword "home."

Query 6 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE contains(Description,'  "Magaz*"  ')
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
This statement queries the Description column for a word beginning with "Magaz." Note that the asterisk acts as a wildcard or placeholder, just as the percent sign (%) does with the LIKE keyword. (To make this work, you need to use single quotes on either side of the double quotes.)

Query 7 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE contains(Description,'  "*azine"  ')
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
This search yields no results. You can't use an asterisk as a placeholder for a prefix.

Query 8 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE contains(Description,'  "Magazine" Or "Great"  ')
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
This full-text scan uses OR so that you can search for "Magazine" or "Great"; it also works with AND and AND NOT. (Again, note the single quotes around the search criteria.)

Query 9 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE CONTAINS(description, 'NT NEAR great')
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
This search on the Description column finds all rows where "NT" is near "great".

Query 10 (CONTAINS)

                              SELECT * FROM content WHERE contains(description, ' formsof (inflectional, great) ')
Pagename URL Description Keywords
-------- --------- --------------------- ---------
Pagetwo.asp /page2/page2.asp NT Magazine is great second
Pagethree.asp /page3/page3.asp SQL Magazine is the greatest third
This statement returns all results for "great," "greatest," "greater," and so on.

SQL Server 2008: How to query all databases sizes?

with fs
    select database_id, type, convert(numeric(18,2),round((size * 8.0 / 1024),2)) size
    from sys.master_files
    (select sum(size) from fs where type = 0 and fs.database_id = db.database_id) DataFileSizeMB,
    (select sum(size) from fs where type = 1 and fs.database_id = db.database_id) LogFileSizeMB
from sys.databases db

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rebuild Every Index of All Tables of Database

DECLARE @fillfactor INT
@fillfactor = 80
OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id])+'.'+name AS TableName
FROM sys.tables
OPEN TableCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
@sql = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @TableName + ' REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),@fillfactor) + ')'
EXEC (@sql)
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Enabling Database Mail on SQL Server Express

--1- I copied the three mentioned file.
--2- executed : dbo.sysmail_start_sp and dbo.sysmail_stop_sp
--3- Configured "Database Mail XPs' using (refering the comment by "John Hunter"):

--To fix the run the following script:
USE Master
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs', 1
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0

--4- created the a profile and set it as default:

-- Create new profile
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
@profile_name = 'DoNotReply',
@description = 'Profile to send the notification emails'
-- Set the New Profile as the Default
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp
@profile_name = 'DoNotReply',
@principal_name = 'public',
@is_default = 1 ; -- Make this the default profile

--5- created the account as:
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
@account_name = 'DoNotReply',
@description = 'my email description',
@email_address = 'DoNotReply@mydomain.com',
@display_name = 'My email display name',
@replyto_address = null,
@mailserver_name = 'mail.mydomain.com',
@username = 'DoNotReply@mydomain.com',
@password = 'my_password',
@port = 25, -- Check with your admin for correct port
@enable_ssl = False -- Enable ssl communication

--6- Added account to the profile:
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
@profile_name = 'DoNotReply',
@account_name = 'DoNotReply',
@sequence_number = 1

--7-Made sure the define port (25 in my case) is allowed in the server.

--8- Test :

EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@subject = 'Test e-mail sent from database mail',
@body = 'This is a test message sent from the newly created database mail account',
@reply_to = 'info@mydomain.com'